The Duty of Communication: Online with Angelos

In Conversation With Angelos:  Getting towards a manifesto Art in the pandemic

This manifesto is our duty of communicating our perception of the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is also an attempt to articulate our thoughts on what is the meaning of art which is directly connected to the meaning of life. Although this pandemic has made life more difficult in certain aspects and the loss of loved ones and uncertainty that have come with it can be very unsettling, we are hopeful that coming out of it we shall have a better understanding of what it means to be human. The manifesto thus does not only apply to life under the pandemic but hopes to point out how capitalism strips us away from our artistic capacities and mentalities and how vital it is that we resist its forces after COVID19 is over.

  1. Everyone is an artist
Art is about creating associations and so is human consciousness. Therefore the artistic process belongs to every conscious and conscientious being. If we all start treating ourselves as artists and appreciate our thoughts of and affinities for the world, life would become more of an adventure rather than a pre-carved path. This mindset equips one with the tools to deal with uncertainty in a lighter way.
  1. What do you wake up for in the morning?
  • Mornings start from 6:30 or 7 these weeks… making coffee and trying to eat fruits and something warm while listening to music. Then stretching the body in silence for as long as possible this may vary within 20 minutes min to a maximum of an hour nonstop, then the computer and phone duties.... 
  1. What do I need to keep going?
  • To wake up in the morning to move the body. To be able to look through the window or even go downstairs out of the bedroom. 
  1. What is the drive? What makes you tick?
  • The drive is to communicate. To find in conversations the drive to dream with family and friends about the “ideal” spaces and realities we want to live as we are dealing with isolation and discomfort yet learning from these time periods.
  1. Daily practices as an art

The artistic process has now become being our own sculpture paintings and films, the way of thinking and getting attracted to thoughts, objects and spaces is a consequence of our memories and surroundings including family institutions and friends. Our presents are filled with our histories and our histories have not stopped being written because of this pandemic.

At the beginning, it was to be able to engage with the physical mark making as well as documenting everything I do in my journal. But also  physical real mode of producing images and objects in spaces, such as moving the cutter around the house, writing on paper, sketching on books, pencil, charcoal, cleaning the glasses. Now I do not need a photograph to show it. I find it more fun and exciting to share it in video calls!
The Art practice now is to think mindfully about consumption and production. If I eat apples, for instance, I want to invest the energy in yoga time! If I consume paper I want to show it to my family and friends in real-time on a conversation.


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